Sugoi Hon Mirin 200ml / スゴイ みりん 200ml
Sugoi 200ml
Hon Mirin from Sugoi is made from koji rice, corn syrup, rice and alcohol.Mirin is the sweet variety of sake.A rice wine with a lower percentage of alcohol and a higher percentage of sugar than that has sake.During baking, the alcohol evaporates from the sauce and leaves only its sweet taste and nice shiny layer.Mirin is only meant to cook with.
Mirin is used for baking or stir-frying.During baking, the alcohol evaporates from the sauce and leaves only its sweet taste and nice shiny layer.Because of its sweet taste mirin combines well with more salty sauces like soy sauce.Together they form the basis for a traditional teriyaki sauce.Mirin is also suitable as a basis for marinade and dressing.
Water, Rijst, Maissiroop, Alcohol, Koji-Rijst.
Nutritional Information
- Per 100g
- Calories 171 kcal/ 715 kJ
- Fats 0g
- Carbohydrates 41.7g
- Sugars 41.7g
- Fiber 0g
- Protein 0g